As at 10/10/24
Medical Treatment Consent:
I, being the parent/guardian, give permission for the staff and volunteers of City Impact Church Holiday Club to obtain emergency medical, hospital or ambulance assistance at any time they consider necessary for my child. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me before instituting such procedures. I agree to pay all such doctor, ambulance and hospital fees incurred on behalf of my child. I also understand that while every precaution will be taken to ensure the good welfare and protection of my child, I hereby release City Impact Church Holiday Club staff and volunteers from any and all liability in the event of injury, accident or misfortune, damage or loss that may occur to my child and their property for whatever reason.
Involvement Consent:
I being the parent/guardian give consent for my child to participate in any activity they may choose while attending City Impact Church Holiday Club.
Off Site Excursions:
City Impact Church Holiday Club will at times have special trips and activities that occur away from the main site, which may involve buses, vans, cars or walking. I give permission for my child/ren to be taken offsite for such excursions.
Photography and Video Consent:
I being the parent/guardian give my consent for my child/ren’s image to be captured in both photographs and video at City Impact Church Holiday Club. Photos will be displayed in our Pixiset holiday club online album. An album link and download password for each individual term will be emailed to parents. City Impact Church reserves the right to use this material for promotional purposes.
Privacy Act (2020):
In providing personal information you acknowledge that: 1) The information is being collected for the purpose of being able to contact you. 2) You have rights to access and correct personal information held by The Trustees, City Impact Church, PO Box 35211, Browns Bay 0753, Auckland. 3) From time to time we may contact you about upcoming events/initiatives. 4) Representatives from MSD (Ministry of Social Development) may also view this information as part of the programme assessment process. 5) The information I have given is true and if there are any changes, I shall notify the staff at City Impact Church Holiday Club immediately.
Special Character:
By enrolling my child/ren, it is understood that City Impact Church Holiday Club has a unique Christian character which will be woven throughout the Holiday Club programme. If you require further assistance or wish to speak to the Holiday Club Manager please phone City Impact Church Holiday Club on 09 477 0300.